Our objective is to exhibit the highest level of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu in Florida annually. We will serve as a venue for the crowning of Florida State Champions and as a means of fostering the development of athletes at the regional, state, national, and worldwide levels of competition.
Athletes that get at least 2,500 points during all six trials will have their position guaranteed and won't have to pay to register to compete in the Florida State Championship in 2024. Your chances of qualifying to compete and test your Jiu-Jitsu across Florida will increase as you compete more.
Everyone is welcome to participate in the competition, although space for ordinary registration is limited.
In the State Finals bracketing process, some athletes based on rankings will have preference for placement.
1st place = 1,000 pts | 2nd place = 500 pts | 3rd place = 250 pts
If you find any mistakes in the ranking, please contact us and we will be happy to make any corrections needed. Thank you!
Please reach out to us if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Nope. If a person signs up for one division of GI and two divisions of NO-GI, for instance, the highest point total from the two NO-GI divisions will be recorded, and the lowest point total will be erased. By the way, ranking points for Gi and No-Gi are different. One advantage of taking numerous divisions is that, undoubtedly you can improve your performance in the other division even if you don't do well in the first.
No. When it's possible, push yourself and move to a different category. No matter what weight class, age, or rank you compete in, you will still get points. Please wait to do that AFTER registration closes as historically 30-50% of competitors register in the last week before the deadline. We will move and combine divisions just like in every other tournament to allow athletes to have matches.
Since all youth divisions are based on birth year, individuals born in 2010, for instance, will compete against those born in the same year. However, we reserve the right to merge divisions as necessary in order to provide additional match possibilities, just like in any other grappling event.
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